You have chosen a subject that combines elements of psychology, law and sociology and that complements studies in humanities.
Each unit has an applied purpose which demands that learning is related to authentic case studies – this is the interesting bit! It will certainly ‘keep you on your toes’ and make you think in ways you couldn’t imagine. You will certainly have a very different outlook on society by the end of your course.
This is a two-year course. Units 1 and 2 completed in the first year comprise an 8-hour Controlled Assessment plus a formal examination. This is replicated in Year 2 with Units 3 and 4. You must complete and pass ALL units to gain the Diploma. The overall grades will be recorded on a scale A* - E.
Unit 1: Changing Awareness of Crime (Controlled Assessment) Unit 2: Criminological Theories (Exam) Unit 3: Crime Scene to Courtroom (Controlled Assessment) Unit 4: Crime and Punishment (Exam) Look at the specification for more detail about these topics