Start by confirming that you wish to take up your place with us and providing your GCSE Results.
If your results don't meet the requirements of your offer, you can tell us this on the decision form, but please then be ready to give us a call to discuss.
Please complete the Decision Form and provide us with your result grades - you can indicate whether you want to confirm your current offer, or request a change.
You can upload your exam results documentation (e.g. statement of results) and a photo for your ID card and student account. You can do this, even if you're waiting to speak to someone about your results and your offer.
After you've sent us your results, please upload documents or images of documents which confirm your results, e.g. statement of results or certificates if you already have them.
Please upload a passport style photograph which will be used for your student account and ID card.
Please complete the Contact Details confirmation form to ensure we hold up to date information for you, your parent(s) / carer(s) and any emergency contacts.
Please complete the contact details form with up to date information relating to you, your parent(s) / carer(s) and any emergency contacts. We require this information before you can attend induction day.
Enrolment will take place on Wednesday 4th September - you will receive confirmation of the time once you have completed Steps 1 - 3 above, but please keep the day free for now!
Please take a look at the financial support information and see if you qualify. Application forms for financial support will be available at enrolment.